There are vegetables that can be replanted from leftovers in water. This means that these plants can be multiplied easily, quickly and healthily.

For those who want to create their own vegetable garden cheaply and quickly, the following tips can be very useful. Therefore, pay attention to the care instructions provided.

10 Vegetables You Can Regrow from Kitchen Scraps in Water

Planting vegetables is usually affordable, which makes it easy to build a beautiful vegetable garden, as long as the person has the right information.

This is because there are veggies that multiply quickly, even when replanted from leftovers.

Some of these species will be seen below. As long as you follow the instructions, you can build a vegetable garden in your home in a completely simple way.

Veggies growing from scraps
Chives growing from scraps on the left

To replant chives, it is important to cut the leaves. Once this is done, place the plant in the container containing water, covering the roots completely.

As the days go by, you will see new leaves growing. At the same time, new shoots should emerge naturally.

Celery scraps growing in water

Celery is planted in water from the base. Try to place this base in a container with water, covering about half of what is left of the vegetable.

Leave the container in a well-lit and airy place. After 7 or 8 days, the first shoots will begin to emerge.

Regrowing lettuce from scraps

The core of the lettuce, the central and most rigid part, will be used in this procedure. Try to place this part of the lettuce in water, covering about 1 centimeter of the base.

Change the water every 24 hours and leave the container in a place that receives indirect light, without direct exposure to the sun.

It will take about 7 days for new lettuce leaves to emerge. With the right care, you will have new lettuces in your garden.

With carrots, the top part is used. In this case, you should place this part in water, with the cut part facing down.

In a few days, green leaves will sprout. Ideally, you should change the water every 2 days, always being careful when doing this.

When it comes to Chinese chard, you use the base to replant it in water. So, cover the bottom of the base with water.

It will take about 5 days for new shoots to start appearing. Once the shoots gain shape and strength, you can transplant them into the soil.

Leeks should be replanted from the base and the roots. Use a glass of water to do the procedure, leaving the roots under the liquid.

Keep everything in a well-lit place and it won’t take long for the results to appear. This way, in no time you will have garlic in your garden.

Garlic sprouts are made by placing garlic cloves to sprout. Leave them in a container with water, but only covering the bottom.

Change the water every 24 hours and keep an eye on the sprouts’ development. This way, the garlic will be able to grow strong and resistant.

For fennel, use the base with the roots to replant. Change the water regularly to avoid bacteria.

New sprouts will soon appear, emerging in the central region. This way, you will be able to make a great fennel tea soon.

Replant cabbage by reserving the core and leaving it in a pot with water. Leave it in a well-lit place and change the water every two days.

It is worth remembering that cabbage goes well with many culinary dishes, in addition to being very healthy. Therefore, it is a great option for your vegetable garden.

Try to cut the top of the radish, placing the bottom in contact with the water. The leaves will begin to sprout in a matter of days.

Also, it is very important that there is indirect light over the container of water that will serve as shelter for the radish. By paying attention to this, your results will be quick and consistent.

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