11 Winter Vegetables & Herbs That Thrive In Snowy Conditions

11 Winter Vegetables & Herbs That Thrive In Snowy Conditions

Though it may sound counterproductive to grow plants in the snow, trust me when I tell you that a large percentage of them can handle it and perhaps even thrive in it. Over the many centuries, plants have developed ways to survive in winter or rather have become immune to it you can say.  Gardeners…

How To Grow Mushrooms At Home: A Beginner-Friendly Guide

How To Grow Mushrooms At Home: A Beginner-Friendly Guide

During lockdown a few years ago, I found myself with plenty of free time after my remote job ended around 3 p.m. To cure my boredom, my resourceful gardener mom suggested I try growing mushrooms at home, claiming it was “very easy”.  What seemed like a quirky idea soon turned into a fascinating learning experience,…

Keep Deer Away: Top Outdoor Plants They Won’t Touch

Keep Deer Away: Top Outdoor Plants They Won’t Touch

I’ve often watched in frustration as deer casually grazed my mom’s open garden, undoing all her hard work.  After suggesting various methods to keep them away, my mom and I discovered a few plants that deer simply won’t touch whatsoever. These hardy, deer-resistant plants not only survived but also thrived in her garden. If you…

Taming Thorn Bushes: A Step-By-Step Guide To Get Rid Of Them 

Taming Thorn Bushes: A Step-By-Step Guide To Get Rid Of Them 

Taming thorn bushes can seem like a daunting and risky task, but after struggling with an overgrown patch in my own backyard, I’ve learned a few tricks.  Sometimes, the dense, prickly growth can seem too overwhelming to bring under control, but with the right tools and techniques, everything should go smoothly.  This step-by-step guide will…

Okra Growing Tips: How To Get A Massive Summer Yield!

Okra Growing Tips: How To Get A Massive Summer Yield!

If you’re like me (in love with gardening), there’s nothing more satisfying than watching your okra flourish in the summer heat. For those who don’t know, growing okra can be an incredibly rewarding experience, but it’s not without its tricks. Whether you’re an experienced gardener or just starting out on your journey, the tips I’m…