9 Best Flowers To Plant In Spring For Amazing Blooms!

Is spring right around the corner and you still have no idea what flowers you’re going to plant?

Well, no need to worry – I’ve got you! 

This article will walk you through 9 of the best flowers to plant in spring and why they might be a good choice around this time. Let’s dive right into it, shall we?

9 Best Flowers To Plant In Spring For Amazing Blooms

Marigolds are the perfect all-rounder flowers that are both beautiful and useful in the garden. They are known for their pest-repellent properties and are the perfect companion plants because they keep destructive little creatures away from the garden. 

Planting marigolds in spring means they’ll have ideal conditions to establish and grow optimally in the slightly warm-ish soil. 


Geraniums come in all sorts of colors and varieties. Because they’re sensitive to frost, springtime is ideal for planting them in the garden as it allows them enough time to bloom throughout the slightly warm growing season.

Early planting also ensures a healthier geranium plant that will be able to fight against pests and problems that could emerge later in the season. 

Red Salvia
Red Salvia

Salvias are a great choice for spring plantings. They bloom tall and sharp flowers, perfect for adding vertical interest to your garden. Planting them in spring ensures the ideal temperature for growing salvias and a vibrant display throughout the whole growing season. 

During springtime, you can also maximally benefit from their long blooming period because they’ll have an entire growing season to establish, develop, and bloom properly. 


Columbines typically prefer slightly cooler temperatures, which means planting them in spring makes sense since the heat of summer hasn’t set in yet. They will also have ample time to establish strong root systems and produce visually appealing blooms during the entire growing season. 

Columbines are popular for their majestic five-petaled flowers that, by the way, are edible. They have medicinal properties and are known to provide relief from mild fevers and heart problems. 

Sweet Alyssum
Sweet Alyssum

Although alyssum flowers are comparatively smaller than some other flowers on this list, they’re definitely not any less beautiful. They grow in clusters and give off a sweet fragrance that would take your garden to a whole another dimension. 

These flowers are fond of mild temperatures and thrive in conditions that are neither too warm nor too chilly. Planting alyssums before the summers, however, gives them a chance to develop strong root systems that may help them withstand harsher conditions later on. 


Pansies bloom in nearly every color and shade you could ever imagine! The velvety flowers visually add an element of texture and vibrant beauty that would really uplift your whole garden.

Pansies thrive in slightly cooler temperatures which makes spring an ideal planting time as scorching summer heat isn’t there to stress the plant out while it’s growing. 


Petunias produce effortlessly beautiful blooms that will turn heads if you plant them outside your house or in an open garden. They’re large, vibrant, and come in a lot of different varieties. 

The mild temperature of spring makes it a good time to plant petunias since they can effectively establish root systems and stay away from frost as it is quite damaging to young developing petunias. 


Snapdragons perhaps have the most unique shape for a flower, which means they’re perfect for adding a touch of novelty and identity to your boring garden. Because snapdragon flowers can grow quite tall, they create a dramatic visual effect, almost never failing to command attention and admiration. 


Although not a lot of people know about lobelias, they’re beautiful in their own unique way. Bloomingly mostly in dominant hues of blue, purple, red, and pink, clusters of lobelias in the garden or hanging baskets grab attention immediately and always mesmerize. These flowers prefer full to partial sun and thrive in slightly cooler conditions making them perfect for spring planting.

So, there you go, 9 of the best flower choices for spring! Yeah, I know, there are so many options to choose from, and it’s probably driving you insane, isn’t it?

Here’s a quick tip – only pick 1-2 flowers to plant for now. When spring comes around next year, you can plant some of your other favorites from this list. Good luck! 

9 Best Flowers To Plant In Spring For Amazing Blooms!

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