Stop Brown Spots On Your Peace Lily Leaves - Here's How!

Are your peace lily leaves showing strange signs of discoloration and browning out of nowhere? Well, I may have an idea of what’s going on and how you can fix it. 

This article will walk you through a few possible reasons why your peace lily leaves could be browning and what you can do to reverse the discoloration. 

Let’s get right into it, shall we?

Brown Spots Peace Lily

Peace lily leaves can turn brown as a result of too much or too little water. When you water more frequently than what’s needed, excess water waterlogs the soil which then leads to root rot and leaf discoloration. Lack of water, on the other hand, dries out the plant causing its leaves to turn brown and crisp. 


If you want to put an end to the discoloration, start by setting up a consistent watering routine and stick to it over a period of time. Avoid watering too much or too little and only provide your plant with the amount it needs. For peace lilies, constantly moist soil that isn’t too soggy works well. 

If the air circulating around your peace lily is relatively dry, lack of humidity can cause its leaves to dry out and turn brown. Fortunately or unfortunately, the plant prefers high humidity for the best growth and leaf development. 


In order to reverse the brown discoloration, add some moisture to the air by placing a humidifier around your peace lily.

Alternatively, you can also spray the leaves with some water frequently throughout the day to help maintain a moist environment and make it easier for the leaves to return to their healthy state. 

If your peace lily doesn’t receive enough light throughout the day, leaf discoloration problems may occur as a result of that. The plant prefers bright, indirect light that is preferably filtered and not too harsh as it can scorch the leaves and cause them to turn brown due to heat damage. 


Try your best to optimize light conditions by placing your plant near a window sill or a corner of the house that receives plenty of filtered light. Avoid keeping peace lilies in low light and shaded areas as those conditions are not favorable towards maximum growth. 

Many new gardeners have this strange belief that the more fertilizer they add to their plants, the better they’ll grow. This couldn’t be farther from the truth

Excess fertilizer can cause an imbalance in the nutrient composition of the soil, leading to fertilizer burn and discolored leaves. This is something you don’t want! 


Always make sure to use no more than the recommended dose of the fertilizer. If it’s too strong, dilute it to a desirable strength and ideally go for a well-balanced option that has a good blend of all the nutrients your peace lily needs. 

Peace Lily Leaf

Fixing brown spots and patterns of discoloration in your peace lily leaves is not as difficult or complicated as people might make it seem. Simply reverse or control the habits that got you there in the first place and your peace lily will return to a much healthier state in no time. 

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