February is coming up, and a lot of you folks have been asking me to make another USDA zones based gardening guide. 

Well, you want it, you got it! Here’s everything you can plant in February in zones 1-10: 

  • Broccoli: Sow your broccoli seeds in a seed tray or pot indoors and water them to get them germinating. Make sure to use potting soil for this as it contains the nutrients needed to support growth. 
  • Cauliflower: Cauliflower is another (boring) vegetable that can be started indoors in February. Seed germination after sowing should take roughly two weeks, after which they can be transplanted outdoors when conditions are right. 
  • Onions: Ah and here’s my favorite one. Fortunately, onions can be grown either from seed or bulbs; feel free to start them however you want. They’re hardy and can tolerate light frosts as long as they’re properly established. 

Since zones 1-3 tend to be too cold to plant anything outside in February, starting seeds indoors is a much better idea. And, while the seeds grow and turn into seedlings, you can finalize your garden layout.  

  • Radishes: In zones 4-5, February is a good time to plant a cold-hardy vegetable like radish under a cold frame or row cover. This will help protect the plant while it grows through the initial stages and establishes itself. 
  • Spinach: Spinach too can be planted in cold frames to protect it from extreme winter conditions and let it establish itself. But, that’s not to say that spinach is a sensitive plant. It’s quite cold-resistant and can withstand low temperatures without an issue.
  • Kale: Another solid leafy green that performs well in the cold. In the initial days, keep your kale in a cold frame to let it develop roots and start growing before warmth sets in. 

While your cold-hardy vegetables are growing under cold frames in February, you can start seeds for milder weather suited vegetables like tomatoes and peppers indoors. 

  • Arugula: In zones 6-7, a cold-hardy leafy green like arugula can be planted directly outdoors since the weather is relatively milder and allows for root development without hindrance. 
  • Lettuce: Lettuce too can be planted outdoors in late February. It can survive light frosts without any issues but may need row cover protection in case cold snaps set in and conditions turn extreme. 
  • Peas: Peas are known for their cold tolerance. They thrive in low winter temperatures and even develop better flavor after frost. Mid to late February is the ideal time to be planting peas outdoors. 

Since spring is emerging, late February is also a good time to start preparing your soil for spring planting. This means addressing any nutrient imbalances, loosening up compacted soil, and improving soil drainage. 

  • Carrots: Zones 8-9 offer much milder temperatures in February. Try planting your carrots directly outdoors early in the month since carrots love low temperatures for growth. Light frosts from time to time can make carrots sweeter. 
  • Beets: February in moderate climate zones is generally a good time to plant beets outdoors. The weather is mild enough for seeds to germinate and grow, leading to early harvest since they get a headstart. 
  • Peas: Zones 8-9 provide the ideal conditions for planting peas in February. Cool temperatures and occasional light frosts encourage strong growth and sweet flavors. Sow seeds directly outdoors early in the month.

In zones 8-9, February is also a good time to get garden beds prepared for warm-season crops you’re going to plant next. 

  • Tomatoes: For Zone 10, tomatoes are your best choice, especially in February when the weather is least harsh and will allow for smooth tomato plant growth and eventually fruiting. 
  • Squash: Squashes love mild weather for growth. They’re rather sensitive to temperature extremes, meaning February in this zone supports the best growth. However, if you’re looking for a head start, consider starting squash indoors around mid to late January. 
  • Beans: February is a great time to grow beans in Zone 10 since they usually don’t do well in cold weather. Mild to slightly warm conditions allow beans to fully germinate and establish. Try your best to plant them as late in February as you can to ensure cold snaps don’t hinder growth.

While your mild-weather vegetables and lentils are doing well in Zone 10 February, you may want to look into pruning fruit trees and perform maintenance trimming on tropical crops around this time if you have any.

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