12 Fast-Growing Privacy Bushes to Transform Your Outdoor Space
Green thuja bushes, in a green garden

If you love privacy just like me, then you will understand why it feels uncomfortable to be welcomed by the prying eyes of neighbors and onlookers.

This is why privacy bushes will ALWAYS be life savers. 

If you are looking to have one in your outdoor space, then you are in the right place. I will disclose my top 12 fast-growing privacy bushes that would not just help you to achieve privacy, but also beautify your outdoor space. 


Then read this article till the end to find out more. 

Why Choose Fast-Growing Privacy Bushes For Your Garden?

Fast-growing privacy bushes add natural beauty to your outdoor space. They offer flexibility in design. 

Additionally, since they grow quickly, you won’t have to wait for years before enjoying the privacy of a secluded space. 

I love fast-growing privacy bushes because they are cost-effective. With a couple of dollars, you can have them around your house. Also, they are environmentally friendly.

With these immense benefits and more, who wouldn’t love to have this beauty around?

Thuja Trees
Thuja trees at wall in garden

Below are the 12 fast-growing privacy bushes you need to have around your home and yard:


This evergreen shrub is a favorite for its dense, year-round foliage.

Arborvitae is low-maintenance and can thrive in various climates.

Leyland Cypress
Leyland Cypress

This is known as America’s most planted privacy tree. It can grow up to 3 feet per year, forming a thick barrier in no time. Leyland cypress is known for its soft, feathery texture.

Privet Hedge
Privet Hedge

Privet hedge reduces noise and provides soundproofing. If you want something that looks formal and manicured, this fast-growing privacy bush is for you.

It also comes with small, fragrant flowers, which give your environment a pleasant smell.


Its yellow flowers bring positivity and happiness into your home.

Forsythia is one of my favorite privacy bushes. However, ensure you don’t plant them too close to your building or structure.

It grows quite wide and needs adequate space to spread.


This is one of the fastest-growing privacy bushes in the world. Its towering stalks and fast growth make it an excellent natural screen.

I would recommend that you choose clumping varieties to avoid invasive spread

Red-Tipped Photinia
Red-Tipped Photinia

For a fast-growing privacy bush that offers spring flowers in bright red color, this classic photinia is the best pick.

It grows quickly and adds a splash of color to your yard while keeping it safe.

Wax Myrtle
Wax Myrtle

If you want a fast-growing privacy bush that is resistant to pests BUT fills the environment with delightful scents, wax myrtle is the perfect pick.

It gives you the privacy you want with its glossy leaves and bushy growth.

Butterfly Bush
Butterfly Bush

This special variety of privacy bush attracts pollinators like bees and butterflies. Its fragrant, colorful blooms add life to your garden.

Use varieties like Dark Knight Butterfly Bush, Groovy Grape Butterfly Bush, and Funky Fuchsia.

Mock Orange (Philadelphus)
Mock Orange (Philadelphus)

If you love the scent of citrus, mock orange is a must-have. It is a delightful addition to any privacy hedge. It grows quite fast and shuts out the prying eyes. 

Beauty Berry (Callicarpa)
Beauty Berry (Callicarpa)

This fast-growing privacy shrub beautifies your environment with its vibrant colors.

It can grow up to 2 feet in a year.

Panicle Hydrangea
Panicle Hydrangea

For a flowering privacy bush, the panicle hydrangea is hard to beat.

Its large, colorful blooms add elegance while growing tall enough to shield your space.


This low-maintenance privacy bush is perfect for your yard. It can grow up to 10 feet tall and brings a touch of elegance to your home. 

Caring For Your Privacy Bushes: Simple Tips For Thriving Plants!

Once you have chosen your privacy bushes, the next thing is to nurture them. Let me share the tips to keep your privacy bushes healthy and flourishing.

Ensure you plant your privacy bushes in areas with proper sunlight. Also, make sure the soil condition is favorable for the species of privacy bush you choose

At the young stage, your privacy bush requires consistent watering. This helps them establish strong roots.

A well-balanced fertilizer encourages lush growth. Feed your privacy bush with this in its growing stage.

Do this to maintain your desired shape and height. This adds a bit of elegance to your garden. 

Space your privacy bushes properly. This helps them to spread. It also allows healthy air circulation.

Be on the constant lookout for pests and signs of a disease. Once you identify such, take immediate remedial action. 

You don’t have to break the bank to create a beautiful, peaceful, and private outdoor space.

These fast-growing privacy buses provide the best natural solution that enhances your yard while protecting you from prying eyes. 

With the information in this article, you have all that you need to enjoy a lush, living barrier that transforms your outdoor space into a sanctuary you will never want to leave. 

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