Are you planning on growing some indoor plants that will brighten up your Christmas this year? Well, lucky you came to the right place!
Having some solid decoration plants in your home for Christmas is a must.
They add not only visual appeal and a calming effect to the ambiance but also complement your other Christmas decorations in the house if you’re smart enough with your choices.
9 Beautiful Indoor Decoration Plants For Christmas
Here are 9 indoor decoration plants that are perfect for Christmas:
9 – Orchids
Orchids are a great and, surprisingly, immensely popular choice for the Christmas holidays.
They have a decently long blooming period and come in a wide array of color patterns and styles which makes them perfect for going along with other Christmas decorations.
8 – Paperwhites
Paperwhites are very easy-to-grow plants and can be grown indoors in just a small pot.
They give off a majestic flowery scent and bloom quite rapidly, meaning even if Christmas is just 4-6 weeks away, you can still plant them and have them bloom right around the holiday time.
7 – Christmas Roses
The Christmas rose is a suitable choice for planting indoors during Christmas.
It blooms pearly white flowers around late winter time and adds this beautiful touch of elegance and simplicity to everything that Christmas has to offer.
Also, the plant has Christmas in its name; what could possibly go wrong?
6 – Cyclamens
Cyclamen are an excellent choice for indoor planting and decoration, especially during Christmas when they can really shine through with the red holiday theme and decorations. Pink cyclamens will really complement the vibe of Christmas and add life to your home if placed with some thought.
5 – Azaleas
Azaleas will also definitely add a lot of that Christmasy action to your Christmas. They bloom in a burst of vibrant purple, yellow, pink, and white colors and many find them to fit in extraordinarily well with the different holiday decorations.
4 – Hyacinths
Although planting hyacinths requires a little more effort and care, they’re still a great choice for indoor Christmas decoration.
Hyacinths come in a wide variety of colors – such as pink, white, and blue – and their vibrancy grabs attention like nothing else.
On top of that, the blooms are also extremely fragrant, which will just enhance the Christmas experience that much more.
3 – Mistletoes
The mistletoe, also known as the kissing plant, is…well…everyone’s favorite perhaps…
If you plan on spending your Christmas with a romantic partner, planting mistletoes around the house may just add to the spicy aura throughout the holidays. In many cultures, this plant is believed to be a symbol of fertility and love!
2 – Poinsettias
Poinsettia flowers have a festive appearance by default. I mean they literally scream Christmas because of their vibrant pink-ish color.
Unsurprisingly, they’re a very popular holiday plant. With little to no maintenance requirements and the ability to thrive in warm environments, poinsettias are guaranteed to never let you down during Christmas.
1 – Christmas Cactus
Another plant with Christmas in its name makes it to the list of plants that are perfect for Christmas – not surprising at all. Anyways, Christmas cactuses are truly one-of-a-kind.
They bloom very bright tubular flowers that work quite well at attracting bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Indoors, however, they can serve as beautiful blooming decorations that capture all lost eyes and hearts that enter your home.
Final Words
Decoration is perhaps the most important aspect of Christmas after gifts obviously. And, oh yeah, beginning a new year on a positive note – totally forgot about that.
Guess deep down I’m still that little 16-year-old who only associates Christmas with gifts…
Anyways, decorating your home for Christmas with plants you grew yourself can be very fun and exciting. Give it a shot and watch how guests go crazy over the new vibe of your home!