Back when I was young, I noticed my gardener mom would always plant the same kind of vegetables in her backyard garden in April. I never got to ask her why she specifically chose April!

Now I know it has to do with the warmer soil temperatures and milder weather that the month brings. If you’re wondering what you can plant this April, don’t worry. I’m here to help! 

Tomato seedlings being planted

Here’s a list of all the vegetables you can experiment with in April, tailored to your zone, that will yield delicious and abundant harvests: 

  • Carrots: These are a cold season staple. I still remember seeing rows of carrots growing in my mom’s garden every spring. They’re delicious and can easily be planted in April for a late June to mid-July harvest.
  • Lettuce: Mid to late April is the ideal time to plant lettuce in zones 1-3 since these areas offer cooler climates but conditions will start turning milder near the month of April.
  • Cabbage: Cabbage is another leafy green that can benefit from the cooler climate conditions of zones 1-3. Sow your cabbage seeds early in April for a mid-June to early August harvest. 
  • Asparagus: Asparagus is generally hardy and can survive zone 4-5 winters without any issue. It grows best in cold which is why I would suggest planting it early in April while the cold weather is still lingering around. 
  • Celery: Although celery doesn’t perform very well in extremely cold weather, it still prefers lower temperatures for the best growth. Planting around April in zones 4-5 would be ideal as that’s generally when the risk of frost would have passed. 
  • Eggplant: Although zones 4-5 would be considered too cool for optimal eggplant growth, planting in April would mitigate that issue since that’s generally when spring will emerge and temperatures will become more tolerable. 
    • Tomatoes: For all of you who reside in zones 6-7, experiment with growing tomatoes in April. Although they prefer full sun and some heat for complete growth, seeds can be sown around late March or early April, so that the fruit develops well throughout the growing season. 
    • Peas: Peas grow best in cold weather as they’re hardy and cold-tolerant. However, you need to make sure you don’t plant peas too late, or else the summer heat can damage them fairly quickly. Early April planting is ideal. 
    • Carrots: If you’ve been in the gardening space for some time, you’ll know that carrots are a cold-season staple for many gardeners out there. It’s recommended to plant them a few weeks before the last frost date as carrots tend to turn sweeter after undergoing frost. 
    • Beets: Zones 8-9 are cotinygansidered ideal for growing beets as these regions offer comparatively moderate climate conditions. Planting beets in April makes sense because they’ll grow throughout spring for a late spring harvest. 
    • Cucumbers: Cucumbers prefer slightly warmer weather for growth so planting them late in April makes the most sense. Zones 8-9 provide the ideal, mild climate conditions that help with vine growth and fruiting.
    • Tomatoes: April is the perfect time to plant tomato seedlings outdoors. With the warmer spring temperatures and plenty of sunlight, tomatoes will thrive and develop beautifully. Start with healthy seedlings for a head start, or sow seeds in late March to early April for a bountiful harvest later in the season. 
    • Peppers: Peppers can grow really well in the warm climate conditions of zone 10. The moderate to slightly warm temperatures will encourage spicy pepper growth but make sure to plant once the risk of frost has passed completely. 
    • Okra: Okra is known to thrive in warm climates, making zone 10 a solid planting area option. You can plant this tender but crunchy vegetable as soon as the heat starts emerging in April. 
    • Celery Root: Celeriac, also known as celery root, is an earthy, hearty vegetable that thrives in moderate to cool climates. Late March to early April planting is most likely ideal for this one but it should be given plenty of space in the garden to allow it to grow freely. 

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