12 Super Tips For Growing Tons Of Tomatoes - Easy Growing Tips!

Are you looking to increase fruit yield in your tomato crop but have no idea where to begin?

Well, worry not! I’ve got some (amazing!) tips for you today that will essentially set you up for tomato harvesting success. But, you must read till the end because some tips interconnect with others and go hand in hand. 

With that in mind, let’s dive right into it!

12 Super Tips For Growing Tons Of Tomatoes - Easy Growing Tips!
  • Tip 1: If you didn’t already know, tomato plants are capable of growing roots along their stems. Therefore, if you bury the stems deeper into the ground, you get a larger, more effective root system. 
The correct distance between tomato plants
The correct distance between tomato plants
  • Tip 2: Planting tomato plants too close together can limit airflow and increase the likelihood of fungal disease and suffocation. It’s important to space out your plants properly for healthier growth.
  • Tip 3: Applying a layer of mulch around the base of your tomato plants is a great idea as it helps retain soil moisture and stabilizes soil temperature to support safe and steady growth.  
Cutting leaf stem of tomato plant in greenhouse
Cutting leaf stem of tomato plant in greenhouse
  • Tip 4: Remove the lower leaves of your tomato plants to allow for better airflow and thorough sunlight exposure. Removing them will also limit any chances of disease since the lower leaves are more likely to get submerged in moisture on the ground. 
  • Tip 5: Pinch off the side shoots of your tomato plants to help them redirect energy into better, more vigorous fruit development. 
Staking tomatoes so they don't touch the ground
Staking tomatoes so they don’t touch the ground
  • Tip 6: As you know, tomato plants can grow quite tall. So, to keep them from falling over and making contact with the ground, support them with stakes or cages
  • Tip 7: If you’re having pest issues, consider putting copper strips around your tomato plants to create a sort of barrier. Whenever slugs and snails make contact with these copper strips, an unpleasant chemical reaction takes place that drives them away from the plants. 
Watering tomatoes plant in greenhouse garden
Watering tomatoes plant in greenhouse garden
  • Tip 8: Although tomato plants aren’t exactly considered to be very thirsty, they still prefer constant moisture for optimal growth and fruiting. Make a proper watering schedule and stick to it consistently, especially when the weather is turning hotter
  • Tip 9: When watering, something very important to keep in mind is to water only the base of the plants and not the leaves. Wet, soggy leaves will drastically increase the risk of fungal disease, which is not what you want. 
  • Tip 10: If you’re looking to give your tomato plants that extra boost, consider mixing in some Epsom salt with the soil. Epsom salt contains high levels of magnesium, a nutrient that can promote healthy plant growth and reduce/delay leaf yellowing by boosting chlorophyll production

Watering tomatoes the wrong way can cause them to rot, as I explain in this article.

Tomatoes and Marigolds - Companion Planting Working Like A Charm
Tomatoes and Marigolds – Companion Planting Working Like A Charm!
  • Tip 11: Pest issues are common amongst tomato growers. The fruit attracts aphids, spider mites, leaf miners, snails, bugs, and slugs, meaning it’s never really safe out there. To combat this, plant marigolds near your tomato plants or at least in close enough proximity. 

Marigolds produce toxic compounds and have a strong scent that pests and insects find incredibly unpleasant. They stay as far away from these plants as possible. 

  • Tip 12: Grow garlic around your tomato plants. Both vegetables thrive in similar growing conditions and the strong, pungent aroma of garlic will protect your tomatoes from pest and insect infestations

The strong scent of garlic near your tomato plants will put off any mischievous garden monsters eyeing the fruit or foliage, allowing for peaceful, undisturbed growth. 

Also take a look at these companion plants, perfect for tomato plants!

Beautiful red ripe heirloom tomatoes grown in a greenhouse. Gardening tomato photograph with copy space. Shallow depth of field

As much as I love growing tomatoes, I have to admit that it’s quite a troublesome crop.

You’ll often experience dryness issues, leaf yellowing, and pest problems with your tomato plants; that’s just how they are. 

Yes, they’re simple to plant for beginners and have minimal requirements initially, but as they grow, they can definitely give you more than a few headaches.

Nonetheless, you can surely mitigate most of these issues by staying on top of their care routine and implementing some of the tips we discussed today. Best of luck! 

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