Do you have hens in your backyard or farm that have recently started laying eggs and want to keep the eggs coming in consistently

Well, I may have some tips for you that could help you with that! Just so you know, my mom has 7, 22-week-old hens in her front porch, and they give her 3 to 5 eggs on a daily basis, so I speak from experience. 

Here are 9 simple tips to keep your hens laying eggs regularly: 

Provide your hens with a healthy, balanced diet that contains lots of important nutrients like calcium, protein, vitamins, and minerals. A rich diet ensures the hens have the energy to produce healthy eggs every day. 

Stress can seriously hinder egg production and may cause long delays in between. Try your best to protect the delicate hens from predators like cats, minks, raccoons, and hawks. As long as they’re out of danger and feel at peace, egg production should remain consistent. 

Sunlight essentially helps to balance hens’ circadian rhythm and gets the hormones responsible for egg production going. Ensure your hens receive plenty of sunlight on a daily basis if you want a consistent egg supply. 

Chickens eating

If you don’t already know, older hens tend to produce fewer eggs compared to younger ones. If getting a consistent egg supply is a priority for you, consider bringing in younger hens that are around 18-20 weeks old. 

This sort of ties in with the limiting stress point because giving your hens the freedom to roam and run around will reduce stress and allow egg-producing hormones to work effectively. 

Whether you keep your hens in a coop or your backyard garden, it’s important that they remain in clean environments to reduce any chances of diseases or insects harming them and making them sick. Sickness and disease can really halt egg production. 

As I mentioned, hens need plenty of light every day to regularly lay eggs. However, if you live in an area where the sun doesn’t stick around for long, consider adding supplemental lights to the coop and keep them on for 10-12 hours every day. 

Calcium is a nutrient hens will need plenty of when laying eggs. Don’t deprive them of it and provide them with calcium in the form of crushed oyster shells frequently if you want the egg supply to remain consistent. 

Many people deprive their hens of water because they think the hens maybe don’t need it. But, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Fresh water is essential for keeping hens healthy and active which directly translates to consistent egg production.  

As a child, one of my favorite things to do in my free time was to look after our hens, collecting their eggs and chase them around while they made noises. It’s was such a fun time. Now I get to see my nephews do the same, and that’s just one of those memories you’ll never forget!

If you care for these flappy birds properly and provide them with the right nutrients and conditions, a consistent egg supply isn’t that hard to achieve. 

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