Long-Day, Intermediate and Short-Day Onions Explained

Long-Day, Intermediate and Short-Day Onions Explained

The mystique behind long-day, intermediate and short-day onions is often off-putting to potential onion growers, thanks to the confusion around when and where they work. Because of that, onions are probably the most underappreciated plant in our gardens, overlooked for more sculptural leeks, and faster-growing bunching varieties, but the humble bulbing onion deserves our true…

Onions From Sets, Seeds, or Seedlings – Which to Choose?

Onions From Sets, Seeds, or Seedlings – Which to Choose?

Growing onions comes with a lot of choices, but the first and most important is whether to grow onions from sets, seeds or seedlings. Growing onions from sets gives you a great head start, but depending on your climate can lead to bolting and early flowering. Similarly, growing onions from seeds is more reliable but…