Can You Grow Different Cucumber Varieties Together?

Can You Grow Different Cucumber Varieties Together?

Cross-pollinating cucumbers, to cut a long story short, won’t actually harm your crop, but it will change it, and if you intend to save seeds you need to take some serious precautions to make sure you know exactly what you’re growing next year. In some cases, cross-pollination is actually pretty essential for cucumbers to crop…

11 Pickling Cucumber Varieties You Won’t Regret Growing

11 Pickling Cucumber Varieties You Won’t Regret Growing

In recent years I’ve learned the art of pickling (and it truly is an art), and discovered some of the best pickling cucumber varieties that make the process a whole lot simpler; from the beautiful, to the downright delicious. We’re all guilty of forgetting about our gardens in winter to some extent, but learning to…

A Complete Guide To Pruning Cucumbers (Suckers & Flowers)

A Complete Guide To Pruning Cucumbers (Suckers & Flowers)

Cucumbers are amazingly productive if you treat them right. They are vining plants, so they will need trellising or training and, since they grow so fast, a lot of pruning. There are a couple of ways you can go about pruning, and this article will give you a deep understanding of how, when, and why you should prune cucumber plants.