Mycorrhizal Fungi And Their Use In The Garden

Mycorrhizal Fungi And Their Use In The Garden

Mycorrhizae (plural for mycorrhizal fungi) are ubiquitous in garden soils. People often see the long thread-like filaments entangling flowers and vegetable roots and mistake them for plant roots. Let’s take a more detailed examination of the use and benefits of these good fungi. Adding granular or water-soluble mycorrhizae inoculant to the soil immediately after transplanting…

What Happens If You Don’t Turn Your Compost?

What Happens If You Don’t Turn Your Compost?

You might be facing this situation: you’ve assembled your first compost heap ever, waited for a few months, and now you’re wondering whether to turn it. Aside from the burning curiousity of looking inside, do you really need to turn compost? Most information out there says you do, but is turning compost the main factor for success?

Organic Pest Control Methods for Your Vegetable Garden

Organic Pest Control Methods for Your Vegetable Garden

As organic gardeners, we have a duty to protect our health, our plants’ health, and the environment – but this is no easy task. Plenty of unwanted bugs and microorganisms come to feast on our vegetables. While a few of them are acceptable, we need to take serious measures when we’re dealing with infestations. Organic…