13 Comfrey Uses in Your Garden & Homestead

13 Comfrey Uses in Your Garden & Homestead

Comfrey is one of the most beneficial plants you can grow as an addition to your no-dig garden, while also having the worst reputation. Gardeners are afraid to plant comfrey because “it spreads everywhere” and can easily take over your garden, and that is true for some cultivars. Under no circumstances should you bring wild…

22 Compact Squash Plants That Won’t Take Over Your Garden

22 Compact Squash Plants That Won’t Take Over Your Garden

Can you grow squash with limited garden space? Growing squash can be a challenge for homeowners with small gardens. They just take up too much space, sometimes leaving no room for other vegetables to grow. Come harvest time, those rambling vines would’ve scattered all over the yard in places where they shouldn’t be in the…