So, many of you are probably aware of how passionate I am about gardening, a passion I inherited from my mom.
She’s truly obsessed with plants, flowers, and gardens, often stopping to admire and analyze blooms she encounters on sidewalks and roadsides.
Anyhow, I was once having a “friendly” banter with her (it wasn’t so friendly) about seasonal planting and she uttered some words that I just wish I had heard sooner in my gardening journey.
She said, “Listen very carefully son, there are certain flowers that can be in your garden and certain flowers that must be; there’s a difference!”
If you’re looking for autumn planting ideas, here are 13 perennials you MUST have in your garden!
13 Beautiful Perennials You Must Plant In Autumn
13 – Coneflowers
Coneflower blooms can tend to resemble sunflowers if seen from a slight distance.
They have a unique cone-like center that’s often darker in color compared to the petals.
You’ll find coneflowers in a variety of different colors ranging from pink, yellow, and red to darker shades of purple. They’re relatively easy to grow and a solid choice for autumn planting.
12 – Russian Sage
Russian sage is a good replacement for lavender in the garden. Its blooms have a tall, slender shape to them, a purple-ish violet color, and a distinct strong scent.
The perennial is also quite hardy, meaning it’s able to tolerate cold conditions very well.
11 – Phlox
The phlox plant blooms clusters of tiny purple, crimson, pink, and white flowers.
There are some varieties of this perennial that grow closer to the ground and others that grow relatively tall and upright.
Depending on the look you’re going for, you can choose either variety and use it to beautify your garden.
10 – Salvias
This perennial features vibrant, tubular flowers on tall growing stems. Salvias thrive in full sun and actually require very little maintenance.
Planting them in the fall should get you stunning purple, white, pink, and crimson salvia flowers around spring.
9 – Blanket Flowers
Blanket flowers are given this name because their blooms resemble colorful patchwork.
Though they might resemble coneflowers from a distance, up close you’ll notice they have much deeper, striking colors and slightly different color distribution throughout the serrated-edged petals.
8 – Lavender
To no surprise, we’ve got lavender on this list as well. We all know what lavender blooms look like and, for those that don’t, they’re essentially tubular flowers in the shape of spikes that grow on tall, upright stems.
You won’t find them in any color other than violet or purple and that’s perhaps their real beauty.
7 – Coreopsis
Coreopsis, also known as tickseed, are perennials that return every year and feature elegant yellow, crimson, and white blooms that look extraordinarily beautiful on a sunny day.
Their petals have a slightly fringed look and it just adds to their overall joyful appearance.
6 – Hydrangeas
Hydrangeas have always been and always will be my favorite among perennials. They thrive in sunny conditions and bloom large, majestic flowers that are spherical in shape.
If your garden lacks color, planting hydrangeas can really elevate the place thanks to their white, blue, pink, purple, and sometimes even multi-colored blooms.
5 – Sunflowers
The good old sunflowers; we all know what they look like, right? In most cases, the sunflowers you come across will be yellow.
However, sunflowers in shades of orange and red exist too. Although they do require some care and assistance as they grow taller, they’re an ideal choice for autumn planting.
4 – Bloody Cranesbill (Geranium sanguineum)
Bloody cranesbills offer thick foliage and delicate purple and pinkish blooms. They typically grow in a bush form and are perfect for adding a fuller look to a dull, empty garden.
These perennials spread wide and thrive in partially shaded areas.
3 – Anemones
Despite being on the slightly smaller side, anemone blooms still stand out because they’re incredibly vibrant and offer white, blue, purple, and orange-ish red blooms.
They thrive in full to partial sun and require well-draining soil because they’re not the best at dealing with excessive moisture.
2 – Mums
Wait, wait, wait, these aren’t the mums you’re thinking about. We don’t grow those here…unfortunately…
Chrysanthemums are called mums in short. They come in a wide array of colors that include yellow, orange, red, pink, peach, purple, and crimson, and offer mind-blowingly stunning flowers that can really change the entire aura of your garden.
1 – Coral Bells
The reason they’re called coral bells is because they offer bell-shaped flowers on tall, arching stems. Typically, you’ll find coral bell blooms in shades of pink, crimson, purple, blue, and sometimes black.
They offer distinct foliage that stands out and complements the blooms even more.
So, My Final Words…
Hopefully, you all learn from the advice my mom gave me about flowers that can be and must be.
Embrace experimentation and choose the right must-have plants from the list above to truly elevate your garden in ways that matter.