This Is The Right Way To Propagate Roses Anywhere!

In a past article of mine, I mentioned that roses are the single most popular flowers of all time. And, to be very honest, nobody would disagree with me.

Whenever the word “flower” is heard, isn’t a rose the first thing that comes to mind? For most and I mean MOST people, it is. 

This article will teach you the right way to propagate roses in the comfort of your…home…no wait…anywhere! (Yes, there’s a right way to do it, so read on!) 

Roses cut
Image from Quora

Why is it that I always suggest propagating with stem cuttings and not other methods? The answer is pretty simple – because it works best and has a higher success rate. 

The first step to propagating roses is actually getting your hands on a healthy rose plant. Make sure it is decently mature and has bloomed at least once.

Using a pair of scissors, cut 5-7 inch long pieces of the stem that have enough nodes on it. The nodes are crucial for successful root formation later on. 

Once healthy stem cuttings are acquired, place them bottom side down in small containers filled with potting soil mix (or in a glass of water for about 5 to 15 days).

Using potting soil is preferred since it allows for better drainage and has a better nutrient profile compared to regular dirt. 

Frankly speaking, work is pretty much complete.

The cuttings have been planted and now all they need is time to root properly. However, aftercare is important, especially after propagation when the cuttings are in their most vulnerable state

Watering from time to time is usually enough for most mature plants. Newly propagated ones, however, require more frequent hydration and moisture retention.

For now, it may be a good idea to cover your newly propagated rose plant with a plastic bag to help with retaining moisture and humidity.

This also creates a favorable environment for the cuttings to root effectively

Checking up too frequently after propagation is pretty much pointless since the process of rooting is quite slow.

Just frequent watering and increased humidity is enough to get the roots going. There’s absolutely no need to mess with the plantings every day! 

In 5-7 weeks, roots will grow just big enough and your cuttings will be ready to be planted in the backyard.

Just remove them from their pots, place them root side down in outside soil, hydrate often, and watch your rose plants mature over the next few months. 

Well, now that you have an ample supply of Valentine’s Day roses planted in your backyard, you can finally arrive at dates on time and not run late because you couldn’t find good flowers anywhere.

But, in all seriousness, propagating a rose plant wasn’t that hard, was it? 

With just a pair of scissors, a few pots, some potting soil, and a healthy rose plant, you can plant multiple new rose plants in your yard that will work wonders in bringing up the overall aura of the place and filling your surroundings with that sweet intoxicating smell of roses.  

This Is The Right Way To Propagate Roses Anywhere!

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