How To Propagate Aloe Vera? 4 Easy Ways With Images

Aloe vera is a jack of all traits.

It promotes the healing of wounds, aids in treating acne, looks aesthetically pleasing enough to be used as decoration, and even purifies the air of potentially harmful pollutants. Sounds like all the good things I would want in my home! 

This article will walk you through a detailed guide on the process of propagating aloe vera. But, the twist here is that thereโ€™s more than one way to do it.

Letโ€™s go over three of the most reliable methods, shall we?

This is, without a doubt, my favorite way to propagate aleoe vera. It is one of the simplest, but also one of the most efficient. I’ve tried propagating alea vera this way several times and it practically always worked!

To propagate an aloe vera plant with leaf cuttings, youโ€™ll need:

  • A fresh and healthy aloe vera plant
  • Potting mix
  • A decently large container
  • A pair of pruning scissors or a knife

Begin by cutting 4-6 inch pieces from the parent aloe vera plant and set it aside to callous for 2-3 days.

Then, place the calloused end of the cutting in a potting soil mix and set it aside again in a humid environment with enough indirect light to kickstart growth.

Water it every other day to keep the soil decently moist and roots will begin to sprout in no time.

It’s done! Just wait a few days and wait for the plant to grow. Once it’s too big for the pot, you can simply move it to a larger pot!

Every mature aloe vera plant produces offsets around the base of the plant; theyโ€™re known as pups. 

To propagate using pups, start by carefully removing some from around the plant using a sharp knife.

If you plant them directly in the soil right now, theyโ€™ll probably rot. So, to keep that from happening, let the pups callous for a few days and then go ahead with the rest of the process. 

  • Tip: You can place the aloe vera in a glass of water for a few days to take root and transfer it to the soil.

In a container filled with potting soil, place the pups (calloused side down) and water it just enough to the point where the soil is moist.

Any more water than this will likely result in root rot. After that, itโ€™s all a game of patience to see the pups turn into whole aloe vera plants over time. 

If you can get your hands on a larger aloe vera plant, the division method for propagation can also be used.

The process involves cutting down a larger aloe vera plant into divisions and planting them in potting soil the same way cuttings are propagated in the first method. 

If this method seems more feasible to you, give it a shot with a mature aloe vera plant that preferably has multiple pups around its base so that they can sprout roots effectively. 

Despite what propagation method youโ€™re using, itโ€™s crucial to follow up with a good aftercare protocol, or else your aloe vera will either rot or not root as well as it could.

After propagation, your cuttings will be in a vulnerable state, which makes aftercare that much more important

Hydration is a big aspect of it; you should typically be striving to keep the soil moist for newly propagated aloe vera. Provide it with plenty of indirect light in a well-lit room and, during the growing season, consider introducing some diluted fertilizer action for better results. 

I think your skin and hair arenโ€™t ready for the magical natural moisturizer you just propagated.

Aloe vera has truly mind-boggling benefits and having some in the comfort of your home means you never have to waste your precious time trying to find natural aloe vera formulations in stores. 

However, even if you donโ€™t plan to use it for anything and just planted some for decorative purposes, it even serves that purpose really well!

How To Propagate Aloe Vera? 4 Easy Ways With Images

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