Ultimate Guide To Sweet Potato Container Gardening

Ultimate Guide To Sweet Potato Container Gardening

Growing sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) is easy but getting the amount of crops you expect from them might get a little tricky, especially when attempting to grow them in containers. While regular potatoes might thrive in buckets or grow bags, sweet potatoes require perfect conditions to thrive. Iโ€™ve tried many times to grow sweet potatoes…

Why Are My Beans Not Producing? Because of These 7 Simple Reasons

Why Are My Beans Not Producing? Because of These 7 Simple Reasons

Beans are a common feature in most gardens because they are reasonably tolerant of many conditions and quick and easy to grow.  I personally enjoy how fast pole beans climb up their trellis, eagerly watching their progress every day and waiting for those delicious pods to arrive. But while the other vegetables in the garden…

Mycorrhizal Fungi And Their Use In The Garden

Mycorrhizal Fungi And Their Use In The Garden

Mycorrhizae (plural for mycorrhizal fungi) are ubiquitous in garden soils. People often see the long thread-like filaments entangling flowers and vegetable roots and mistake them for plant roots. Let’s take a more detailed examination of the use and benefits of these good fungi. Adding granular or water-soluble mycorrhizae inoculant to the soil immediately after transplanting…