Proper Crop Sizes To Avoid Overplanting – Grow Just What You Need!

Proper Crop Sizes To Avoid Overplanting – Grow Just What You Need!

While a lot of gardeners (like myself) run after larger yields, there is a major portion of people who don’t want that. They want to plant just enough to have a sufficient yield that will be fully utilized.  If you’re one of those people, this article is for you. Today, we’ll be discussing what crop…

Where to Plant Peonies: Finding the Perfect Spot for Gorgeous Blooms
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Where to Plant Peonies: Finding the Perfect Spot for Gorgeous Blooms

So you planted peonies at some random spot and waited for the beautiful spring flowers. But when the season arrives, your peony plant is full of leaves but has no flowers. Pretty Sad! No, you didn’t do anything wrong in caring for it, the problem was the spot you chose. The location didn’t provide the…

Container Sizes and What To Grow In Them: Your Guide To Thriving Plants!

Container Sizes and What To Grow In Them: Your Guide To Thriving Plants!

If you’ve ever tried planting something in containers, you’ll know how difficult it is to make up your mind on what the ideal container size is.  Today, I’ll be making that easy for you. We’re going to discuss different container sizes and what quantity of plants you can grow in each one of them. Let’s…

Homemade Seed Starting Soil For A Strong Start This Year

Homemade Seed Starting Soil For A Strong Start This Year

If you’ve ever tried those store-bought seed starting mixes, some of them can be of great quality and texture, while others not so much. They’re also generic and may not have the nutrients, texture, or drainage you’re looking for. In this article, I’m going to teach you how to make your own seed-starting soil at…

9 Vegetables That Thrive In Shade – Grow A Lush, Low-Light Garden

9 Vegetables That Thrive In Shade – Grow A Lush, Low-Light Garden

Are you trying to grow vegetables indoors or in low-light conditions? Well, I have a few recommendations for you that you must give a shot! This article is all about growing vegetables in low-light conditions. You might be told that plants cannot survive without sunlight, and it’s definitely true for most plants, but there are a…

Why Your Aloe Vera Isn’t Producing Pups – And How to Fix It

Why Your Aloe Vera Isn’t Producing Pups – And How to Fix It

Expecting new Aloe Vera pups but nothing’s happening? Well, trust me, you’re not alone!  I’ve been into gardening since the age of 12 and have gained every possible ounce of gardening wisdom from anywhere I could. Yet, I make a lot of mistakes when it comes to growing aloe vera. 7 Reasons Why Your Aloe Vera…